LAUREN NADLER – Publisher / Creative Director

laurenmollyWith over 30 years in publishing Lauren began her career at Milton Glaser inc, one of the worlds top design studios. While in NYC Lauren was a designer and art director for a variety of magazine companies including Condé Nast, Times Mirror, CBS publications. Lauren continued her career designing and producing children’s book working for Bookworks and Sandvik Innovations. Projects throughout her career included product packaging; book design, illustration and production; magazine editorial design and illustration; children’s books design and illustration; web design; logo design and an array of branding for many companies. Feel free to view Lauren’s designs and portfolio at her personal web site



PAT CONE – Photographer

Pat is a freelance photographer from Park City, Utah.
A contributing photographer on several of our books and projects including both our new Park City Cookbooks.
Find out more about Pat at

JOEL SHORE – Contributing Writer/Editor

CORINNE HUMPHREY – Contributing Writer/Editor

Contributing writer/editor for our upcoming Park City Cookbook volume two.
A freelance writer and editor corinne writes for several publications in Park City Utah as well as being a talented painter and author of several children’s books.

MICHELE BATTAGLIA – Contributing Writer/Editor

PAM ARCHBOLD – Contributing Editor

PHIL ARCHBOLD – Contributing photographer

CAMERON NADLER – Contributing Writer/Sommelier for Cookbook